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Monthly Archives: September 2023

Safety of using onions as medicine.

Eating onions in amounts found in foods or applied to the skin is generally safe. But the sulfur in onions can cause bad breath or watery eyes. As for eating to treat disease safely. There is research indicating that exposure to diphenylamine extract Up to 35 grams of Diphenylamine

Foods to cure constipation.

Constipation is a symptom that can happen to everyone. Constipation symptoms include not being able to have bowel movements, difficulty having bowel movements, stomach pain, taking a long time to have bowel movements. or pain due to hard or thick stools. In addition to these symptoms affecting

What are some easy ways to nourish your bones?

Nutrients like calcium and vitamin D are very beneficial for bones. Food sources rich in calcium include dairy products and some green leafy vegetables. Things like broccoli, cabbage, okra, various beans, tofu, sardines or other types of fish. You should consume calcium in an amount appropriate for

I want to quit coffee. What should I do?

Giving up coffee isn’t difficult. You just need to use restraint and gradually to help quit coffee. People who are addicted to coffee can try following these tips menu for quitting.  Even though coffee is a refuge for many people every morning, afternoon, and evening, But drinking large