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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Just eat until you are full and you can control your calories.

The current health trend, in addition to having a good figure, must also be healthy. Many people think that to have a good figure, they must quickly lose weight, lose weight as quickly as possible, but they do not know that the rapid weight loss is

Muscles…more important than you think

Muscles…more important than you think. Dieting is not the only solution. The belief that fasting or eating very small portions of food is still deeply rooted in people who want to lose weight and reduce excess fat. Using this method to lose weight or reduce

Increase metabolism, lose weight, reduce fat

Increase metabolism, lose weight, reduce fat Metabolism is the way your body produces energy from food to function. It involves a variety of hormones and enzymes in your body. Your metabolism determines the rate at which you burn energy. A high metabolic rate means your

What is hydrolyzed collagen?

What is hydrolyzed collagen? What are its benefits? When we are 25 years old and above, collagen starts to deteriorate because the rate of collagen synthesis under the skin, in the dermis, will decrease by 1.5% per year. Unfortunately, this happens more to women than

Behaviors that cause neck , shoulder, and back pain.

Neck, shoulder and back pain are becoming more and more popular. Even if you look around, you must have a friend or someone who is suffering from these symptoms. People who work in front of computers must have experienced tight shoulders, neck pain and shoulder

Popular fruit for health-conscious people Acai berry.

Many people who want to lose weight will definitely have to find healthy food to make that goal a success. The fruit from Latin America, Acai Berry, may be another option for those who want to lose weight as well. What is Acai Berry is